Monday, February 2, 2009

Things on my mind....and a little more

Soooooooo......I havent updated in quite a while and i know all the millions out there were worried (aka zero people) here is William with an update. And since I feel generous...I will post everyday this week...7 days...7 posts.....excited yet? I wont be able to promise they'll be anything with substance but I will post. So....dont judge me if I have a post on a thursday that says what I ate for lunch. While I'm at it....I may make my page a little more snazzy since its just a few colors here and there.

Anyway...on to my original post....

I, William, have had a few things on my mind in a past few weeks that have been weighing me down or just making my head going 100 miles an hour up there. Now i'm not going to spill everything dont know me like that playa. But I have come to a conclusion or better yet a decision on just one of the things. This has been in the making for a while but recently put one of those "im going to do this for real" labels on it. 

I am going to suck it up and go get my MBA (masters of business administration....just a guess but i have a hunch thats what it stands for). Suck it up????? Why???? Here's why....  I will be working full time making the funds to keep up my life mortgage for my fantastic condo, going out, bills, and you know....buying shit all the damn time....but also going to school at night.  Now I don't see a problem with that but what I'm thinking is that my life during that time will go down the drain. Why you ask? Well i wont be able to to fit in gym time, bball/bball leagues, football leagues, going out, eating probably, sleeping and just relaxing. All....very big components of Will. It will be me waking up....working....driving....schooling....studying. then doing it all over again. And what would my awesome roxie do with all that time by herself? maybe i need a new pet for roxie to play with. Why do all this you ask? Well I could give you the easy answer....bc my mom wont stop bugging me about it. The actual answer....I want to better myself and rule the world....or just make double what I make now.

But first things first....right now I am and have been studying for the GMAT. I got this gigantic book and my nights are in that making myself smart again. for some reason. I have to make a kick ass score so I can get into a good MBA program. then of course all little things like recommendations and stuff but that wont be a problem....people like me.

Now once I do all that....i have to decide on where to go. I could stay in houston bc i have a condo im paying is close...familiar with the area. On the other hand....I could sell/rent out my place while i go out of state like on the east coast or something to go to school. then again....i get cold too easily and i hear they got hurricanes out there and stuff. i like mountain dew. im still undecided what to do but will just take it step by step. as of right now....probably houston but then again ive been known to make pretty big life changes in a blink of an eye.

well...thats just one of the many many things that is in my head and making me not typical william these days. some may even call me MIA but oh well......i heard miami is a nice place this time of year...(sorry, terrible joke bc im tired) and speaking of me being tired.....end of my monday post and 1 of 7 things in my head thats making it rotate on axis that is will.

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