Tuesday, February 3, 2009

new things to to add on my resume...

As promised.....day 2 of me blogging for 7 straight days....

This blog is about new things I will add to my already impressive repertoire. Now i have reasons that I want to learn these things and I may or may not share them....but what I do know is that i am incredibly lucky to have the ability to learn these things....or im just competitive to the point where i have to bc otherwise i'd just stab myself with a plastic spork.

number 1....i will learn how to play the piano for real this time. its always been on my list but I will learn this for sure this year. i already have a keyboard i bought about a year and a half ago and have learned quite a bit on youtube. but everything is pointless if i dont learn it for real....like learning keys and reading music. however, i have memorized quite a bit of songs or just the beginning of them to be able to pass as a leisure pianist.

number 2...I will learn how to break dance. recently ive seen some street performers do their thing....rockets dancers taking up my gym time on sunday nights...and even fucking shaq do a little breaking. if they can do it...why cant i right? I learn quickly and got more talent in my left pinky toe than most have in their whole body. plus....if shaq's big ass can do it....my slender self shouldnt have that much of a problem. right now im learning how to do the windmill and found out its a little on the difficult side. it might be the only move i learn but it will be amazing....once i do it people will automatically think i can break (its the most popular move)...thus....no need to do any other moves. i will be the asian usher for sure after this.

number 3...im going to familiarize myself with driving a manual transmission. why i never learned this...im dont know. well i lie...I know how to drive a stick but i just havent practiced enough so im not as confident. its like me and spanish....3 years in high school and 4 semesters in college should be sufficient enough for me to be fluent but i dont speak espanol all day so im not. plus...im not spending an extra 3 million to turn a ferrari into an automatic.

number 4...I will hopefully learn how to open up myself a little more. not many people get that part of me....just a hand select few and they probably know who they are. i find that at times...it does hold me back but at other times....im glad that i keep to myself with 96.2% of things. out of the 4 things ive mentioned....this may be the hardest one. so if you see me breakdancing with a song i recorded on my piano in studio after me hopping out of my car with a manual transmission.....asked me if i learned all 4.

btw....my right elbow hurts from the damn windmill move....think i should buy elbow pads? or will that be non-bboyish?

now...what to write about tomorrow...


Kim said...
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Kim said...

i wanna play the piano! and those break dancers all went to the same class so just sign up for one! lol just remember your not as young as you used to be sugar and you tend to hurt yourself alot! and the whole stick shift overrated hot but overrated! ps i am super excited about you going back to school can you send me some of that motivation please! ;)